Infinite Craft Recipes

Make Pita Wand in Infinite Craft:

  1. Harmonize 💧 Water and 🔥 Fire to invent 💨 Steam
  2. Compound 💨 Steam into 🔥 Fire to develop 🚗 Engine
  3. Weld 💨 Steam and 🌍 Earth to design 💩 Mud
  4. Conflate 💨 Steam and 🚗 Engine to manufacture 🚂 Train
  5. Interweave 💩 Mud into 🚂 Train to conjure 🐷 Pig
  6. Interweave 🌬️ Wind and 🐷 Pig to generate 🐷 Flying Pig
  7. Compound 🚂 Train with 🐷 Flying Pig to design 🚂 Hogwarts Express
  8. Weld 🔥 Fire and 🚂 Hogwarts Express to conceive 🏰 Hogwarts
  9. Compound 💧 Water with 🌬️ Wind to develop 🌊 Wave
  10. Merge 💧 Water and 🌍 Earth to design 🌱 Plant
  11. Merge 🌊 Wave with 🌍 Earth to forge 🏖️ Sand
  12. Unite 💨 Steam into 🌱 Plant to form 🍵 Tea
  13. Conflate 🌱 Plant into 🏖️ Sand to build 🌵 Cactus
  14. Weld 🏖️ Sand and 🍵 Tea to sculpt 🥪 Sandwich
  15. Unite 🔥 Fire with 🥪 Sandwich to construct 🍞 Toast
  16. Meld 🌍 Earth and 🍞 Toast to shape 🍞 Bread
  17. Bond 🌵 Cactus with 🍞 Bread to produce 🥙 Pita
  18. Mix 🏰 Hogwarts and 🥙 Pita to design 🥙✨ Pita Wand

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