Infinite Craft Recipes

Make .pup in Infinite Craft:

  1. Entwine 🔥 Fire into 🌬️ Wind to generate 💨 Smoke
  2. Weld 🌬️ Wind and 💨 Smoke to mould ☁️ Cloud
  3. Blend 🔥 Fire and ☁️ Cloud to assemble ⚡️ Lightning
  4. Connect 💧 Water with 💧 Water to bring 🌊 Lake
  5. Unify 💧 Water into 🌍 Earth to form 🌱 Plant
  6. Blend 🌊 Lake into 💧 Water to invent 🌊 Ocean
  7. Weld 🌱 Plant and 🌊 Ocean to render 🐠 Coral
  8. Link 💧 Water into 🔥 Fire to compile 💨 Steam
  9. Meld 🌍 Earth with 🌍 Earth to mould 🏔️ Mountain
  10. Merge 💨 Steam into 🔥 Fire to shape 🚗 Engine
  11. Synthesize 🌊 Lake and 🏔️ Mountain to manufacture 🏞️ Fjord
  12. Link 🚗 Engine into 🚗 Engine to produce 🚀 Rocket
  13. Join 🚗 Engine with 🚀 Rocket to bring 🚀 Space Ship
  14. Connect 🚀 Rocket and 🚀 Rocket to develop 🛰️ Satellite
  15. Blend 🏞️ Fjord with 🚀 Space Ship to create 🌌 Star Wars
  16. Join 🏞️ Fjord into 🛰️ Satellite to render 🌐 Internet
  17. Conflate 🌌 Star Wars and 🌐 Internet to compile 💩 4Chan
  18. Interweave 🌊 Lake with 💩 4Chan to mould 🍆 /b/
  19. Integrate 🌬️ Wind into 🌍 Earth to invent 🌫️ Dust
  20. Mix 🌊 Lake with 🌍 Earth to yield 🐊 Swamp
  21. Synthesize 🔥 Fire and 🐊 Swamp to compose 🐉 Dragon
  22. Unify 💧 Water into 🌬️ Wind to shape 🌊 Wave
  23. Blend 🌬️ Wind with 🏔️ Mountain to forge 🌨️ Avalanche
  24. Integrate 🌬️ Wind with 🌨️ Avalanche to invent ❄️ Snow
  25. Synthesize 🌍 Earth and 🌫️ Dust to render 🪐 Planet
  26. Pour 💨 Steam with 🪐 Planet to invent 🕯️ Steampunk
  27. Coalesce 🌍 Earth into 🕯️ Steampunk to shape 🤖 Robot
  28. Weld 🌊 Ocean with 🕯️ Steampunk to generate 🏴‍☠️ Steampunk Pirate
  29. Entwine 🌊 Ocean with 🏴‍☠️ Steampunk Pirate to render 🐳 Captain Nemo
  30. Meld 🤖 Robot into 🏴‍☠️ Steampunk Pirate to produce 🤖 Steampunk Robot
  31. Integrate 🌫️ Dust and 🐳 Captain Nemo to manufacture 🐠 Nemo
  32. Pour 🏴‍☠️ Steampunk Pirate and 🤖 Steampunk Robot to yield 🤖 Steampunk Pirate Robot
  33. Unify 🐠 Nemo with 🤖 Steampunk Pirate Robot to construct 🆎 N
  34. Blend 🌱 Plant with 🌍 Earth to compile 🌳 Tree
  35. Blend 💧 Water with 🌳 Tree to forge 🌊 River
  36. Join 🌳 Tree and 🌊 River to devise 📃 Paper
  37. Blend 🌍 Earth into 📃 Paper to forge 🗺️ Map
  38. Conflate 💧 Water and 🗺️ Map to create 💎 Treasure
  39. Join 🗺️ Map with 💎 Treasure to invent ❌ X
  40. Interweave 🌬️ Wind into 🌬️ Wind to conjure 🌪️ Tornado
  41. Mix 🌱 Plant into 📃 Paper to conceive 📚 Book
  42. Blend 🌊 Lake with 🌊 Ocean to create 🌊 Sea
  43. Unify 🌬️ Wind with 🌱 Plant to yield 🌼 Dandelion
  44. Meld 💨 Steam and 🌱 Plant to sculpt 🍵 Tea
  45. Unify 🌱 Plant and 🚗 Engine to invent 🚗 Car
  46. Unify 🌍 Earth with 🌼 Dandelion to craft 🌸 Flower
  47. Meld 🌸 Flower with 🚗 Car to form 💐 Carnation
  48. Unite 🍵 Tea into 💐 Carnation to construct 🅱️ T
  49. Blend 🌊 Wave into 🌍 Earth to create 🏖️ Sand
  50. Compound 🔥 Fire with 🏖️ Sand to shape 🥃 Glass
  51. Coalesce 🔥 Fire with 🥃 Glass to form 🔍 Lens
  52. Unify 💧 Water and 🔍 Lens to create 🔬 Microscope
  53. Unite 🔥 Fire and 🔬 Microscope to sculpt 🦠 Virus
  54. Fuse 🥃 Glass with 🦠 Virus to conjure 💻 Computer
  55. Amalgamate 🦠 Virus with 💻 Computer to yield 👾 Hacker
  56. Fuse 🌊 Lake with 🌼 Dandelion to compose 🌠 Wish
  57. Blend 🌳 Tree with 🌠 Wish to conceive 💵 Money
  58. Compound 🌼 Dandelion with 💵 Money to generate 💰 Wealth
  59. Harmonize 🌊 Lake and 💰 Wealth to yield 🛢️ Oil
  60. Coalesce 💵 Money into 💰 Wealth to render 💰 Rich
  61. Alloy 🛢️ Oil into 💰 Rich to yield 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia
  62. Connect 🔥 Fire and 🔥 Fire to shape 🌋 Volcano
  63. Interweave 💧 Water into 🥃 Glass to mould 🍷 Wine
  64. Interweave 🍷 Wine with 🌸 Flower to devise 👃 Perfume
  65. Coalesce 🍷 Wine and 👃 Perfume to generate ☠️ Poison
  66. Blend 🍷 Wine into ☠️ Poison to produce 🔪 Murder
  67. Blend 💧 Water with 🔪 Murder to generate 🌊 Drowning
  68. Link 🌬️ Wind and 🚗 Engine to construct 🌬️ Windmill
  69. Compound 🌱 Plant into 🌫️ Dust to compile 🌱 Pollen
  70. Mix 💨 Steam into 🚗 Engine to bring 🚂 Train
  71. Interweave 💧 Water into 🌱 Pollen to fabricate 🍯 Honey
  72. Mix 💨 Steam and 🚂 Train to compile 🚂 Locomotive
  73. Interlock 🚂 Locomotive and 🍯 Honey to devise 🐝 Bee Train
  74. Weld 💵 Money and 🐝 Bee Train to bring 👾 Anime
  75. Link 👾 Anime into 🐝 Bee Train to fabricate 🎮 .hack
  76. Link 🌊 Lake and 🚗 Engine to sculpt 🚤 Boat
  77. Harmonize 💧 Water with 🚤 Boat to conjure 🚢 Ship
  78. Alloy 🚤 Boat into 🚢 Ship to conceive 🚢 Cruise
  79. Conflate 🚤 Boat into 🚢 Cruise to invent 🏖️ Vacation
  80. Harmonize 🏔️ Mountain with 🏖️ Vacation to mould 🏕️ Retreat
  81. Meld 🚗 Engine into 🏕️ Retreat to compile 🔙 Reverse
  82. Alloy 🌫️ Dust with 🥃 Glass to form 🔭 Telescope
  83. Link 🌬️ Wind into 🍷 Wine to devise 🎈 Balloon
  84. Link 🌊 Wave with 🔭 Telescope to fabricate 📻 Radio
  85. Mesh 🔥 Fire with 🎈 Balloon to craft 💥 Pop
  86. Join 🍷 Wine into 💥 Pop to form 🍾 Champagne
  87. Coalesce 📻 Radio with 🍾 Champagne to conceive 💅 Rihanna
  88. Interlock 🌊 Lake and 🌱 Plant to create 🌸 Lily
  89. Bond 🔥 Fire and 🚗 Car to build 💥 Crash
  90. Link 🌍 Earth into 🚀 Rocket to invent 🌙 Moon
  91. Alloy 🔥 Fire into 🌙 Moon to craft 🌑 Eclipse
  92. Join 🌬️ Wind into 🌑 Eclipse to create ☀️ Solar
  93. Blend 🌑 Eclipse and 💥 Crash to construct 🌑 Blackout
  94. Compound 🌱 Plant with ☀️ Solar to construct 💨 Oxygen
  95. Mix 💨 Oxygen and 🌑 Blackout to manufacture 😵 Suffocation
  96. Join 🌍 Earth with 🌊 River to invent ⬇️ Delta
  97. Fuse ⬇️ Delta with 📚 Book to assemble 🔠 Alphabet
  98. Join 📚 Book into 🔠 Alphabet to conjure 📖 Dictionary
  99. Harmonize 📚 Book and 📖 Dictionary to build 📖 Thesaurus
  100. Entwine 🌊 River and 📖 Thesaurus to build 🔀 Synonym
  101. Coalesce 🔥 Fire with 🪐 Planet to design ☀️ Sun
  102. Mix 🌬️ Wind with ☀️ Sun to construct 🌻 Sunflower
  103. Interweave 💨 Smoke and 🌻 Sunflower to render 💨 Smoke Signal
  104. Entwine ⚡️ Lightning and 💨 Smoke Signal to render ⌨️ Morse Code
  105. Mix 🌊 Lake and 🌋 Volcano to yield 🏝️ Island
  106. Connect 🌍 Earth into 🏝️ Island to devise 🌎 Continent
  107. Unify 🌊 Lake and 🌎 Continent to form 🇺🇸 America
  108. Merge 🌍 Earth and 🇺🇸 America to design 🇺🇸 USA
  109. Mix 🐠 Coral and 🇺🇸 America to fabricate 🌴 Coral Gables
  110. Bond 🔥 Fire with 🇺🇸 USA to construct ⬜ Flag
  111. Compound 🇺🇸 America and 🌴 Coral Gables to create 🐊 University of Miami
  112. Join ⬜ Flag with 🐊 University of Miami to shape 🅰️ U
  113. Mesh 🔥 Fire into 🌳 Tree to craft 🌋 Ash
  114. Blend 🔥 Fire and 🌋 Ash to create 🔥 Phoenix
  115. Synthesize 🐉 Dragon with 🔥 Phoenix to bring ☯️ Yin Yang
  116. Weld 🌬️ Wind into ☯️ Yin Yang to manufacture 🧧 Feng Shui
  117. Blend 🌫️ Dust with 🧧 Feng Shui to develop 🐰 Dust Bunny
  118. Blend 🐰 Dust Bunny and ☯️ Yin Yang to conjure 🔀 Opposite
  119. Interweave 🌊 Wave into 🏝️ Island to develop 🏄 Surf
  120. Amalgamate 🏄 Surf into 🌎 Continent to sculpt 🦘 Australia
  121. Blend ❄️ Snow with 🦘 Australia to develop 🙅 No
  122. Alloy 🌊 Ocean and 🙅 No to compile 🚫 Not
  123. Connect 🌳 Tree and 🌋 Ash to develop ✏️ Pencil
  124. Coalesce ✏️ Pencil with 📚 Book to yield 📚 Homework
  125. Join 🌪️ Tornado into 📚 Homework to construct ♀️ F
  126. Compound 📚 Book and ♀️ F to fabricate 📱 Fbook
  127. Conflate 📚 Homework and 📱 Fbook to develop 💩 Fail
  128. Alloy ♀️ F into 💩 Fail to create 🅰️ E
  129. Amalgamate 🌎 Continent into 🇺🇸 America to compose 🌎 North America
  130. Interlock 💧 Water into 🌎 North America to conjure 🍁 Canada
  131. Alloy 🌊 Sea with 🍁 Canada to manufacture 🅿️ C
  132. Amalgamate 🌬️ Windmill and 🎮 .hack to construct 💨 .wind
  133. Mesh 🏝️ Island into 💅 Rihanna to devise 🇧🇧 Barbados
  134. Mix 🏔️ Mountain and 🌎 Continent to manufacture 🌏 Asia
  135. Coalesce 🔥 Fire and 🌏 Asia to compile 🇨🇳 China
  136. Connect 🌎 Continent into 🌏 Asia to assemble 🇪🇺 Europe
  137. Weld 🏔️ Mountain and 🇪🇺 Europe to conjure 🏔️ Alps
  138. Fuse 🏔️ Alps into 🇨🇳 China to produce 🐑 Yak
  139. Fuse 🇪🇺 Europe and 🐑 Yak to build 🇷🇸 Yugoslavia
  140. Connect 🌊 Lake with 🇷🇸 Yugoslavia to manufacture 🇸🇮 Slovenia
  141. Amalgamate 🌬️ Wind with 💨 Smoke Signal to render 💬 Message
  142. Join 🌍 Earth into 💬 Message to construct 📝 Letter
  143. Blend 🌻 Sunflower with 📝 Letter to render 🅰️ A
  144. Weld 🔥 Fire and 🅰️ A to bring 🅱️ B
  145. Interweave 🍵 Tea into 🇺🇸 America to craft 💸 Taxes
  146. Blend 🌸 Lily with 💸 Taxes to compose 📄 Filing
  147. Link 🔥 Fire into 📄 Filing to create 📄 File
  148. Entwine 🔀 Synonym into 😵 Suffocation to shape 📝 Suffix
  149. Interweave 🔀 Opposite with 🍆 /b/ to build 🍆 /a/
  150. Entwine 🅿️ C and 🅱️ T to compose 🌌 Ct
  151. Weld 👾 Hacker with 💨 .wind to devise 💻 .com
  152. Mesh 💻 .com and 🇧🇧 Barbados to form 👍 .bb
  153. Merge 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia into 💻 .com to design 🇸🇦 .sa
  154. Coalesce 🇸🇮 Slovenia and 💻 .com to generate 🇸🇮 .si
  155. Coalesce 🌊 Drowning and 🅱️ B to mould 💩 BD
  156. Connect 📄 File and 📝 Suffix to compile 📁 File Extension
  157. Unite ❌ X into 🌌 Ct to bring ❌ Xt
  158. Amalgamate 💧 Water and 💻 .com to design 🌊 .aqua
  159. Bond 🇸🇦 .sa into 🇸🇮 .si to build ❌ .ss
  160. Bond 🅰️ E and 💩 BD to build 🐝 Ee
  161. Coalesce 🅰️ U into 📁 File Extension to produce ❓ .U
  162. Join ⌨️ Morse Code and 🌊 .aqua to forge ❌ .a
  163. Alloy 🅰️ U into ❌ .a to produce 👍 .u
  164. Pour 🆎 N into 🐝 Ee to bring 🤖 Ne
  165. Coalesce 👍 .bb with ❌ .ss to build 👀 .bbss
  166. Alloy 🔙 Reverse with ❓ .U to form ❌ .d
  167. Synthesize 🍆 /a/ into 👍 .u to produce 👤 /u/
  168. Amalgamate 🔥 Fire with ❌ .a to conjure ❌ .b
  169. Link ❌ Xt into 🤖 Ne to invent 🔜 Next
  170. Merge 🚫 Not into 👀 .bbss to render 🤖 .bbs
  171. Conflate ❌ .b into ❌ .ss to create 💻 .bss
  172. Interlock ❌ .d with 🔜 Next to produce ❌ .e
  173. Integrate 💻 .bss and 🤖 .bbs to craft 👌 .o
  174. Merge ❌ .a and ❌ .e to create ❌ .i
  175. Meld 🔜 Next and 👌 .o to build 👌 .on
  176. Amalgamate ❌ .a into 👌 .o to forge 🤔 .p
  177. Mesh ❌ .a into ❌ .i to conjure ❌ .j
  178. Mesh 👤 /u/ and 🤔 .p to manufacture 👍 .pu
  179. Link 🔜 Next and ❌ .j to mould 👌 .k
  180. Mesh ❌ .b with 👌 .k to produce 📚 .bk
  181. Meld 👌 .on into 📚 .bk to compile 🔨 .bonk
  182. Connect 👍 .pu into 🔨 .bonk to produce 🐶 .pup

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